SIS KELLS ALL-STAR, IE043662702194G, C461502194

Suffolk (100%), Pedigree , 03-JAN-2015, R5 (94%) T5 (95%), Twin

SIS eligible on 20-APR-2024? Yes

Current EuroStars (Published On: 17-APR-2024)

Index values displayed above for this animal can be compared to all other animals, regardless of breed.
Percentiles and stars should only be compared to other animals of the same breed.
Across breed Within breed
Index Value Accuracy Rank Stars


NSIS IE043662702194G
Pedigree ID C461502194
Flock Name KELLS
Animal Name ALL-STAR
Birth Date 03-JAN-2015
Birth Rank TWIN
Breed Suffolk (100%)
Sex Male
Pedigree Status Pedigree
Genotyped? Yes
Genomic Evaluation? Yes
Scrapie Status ARR/ARR
Scrapie Type 1
DNA Sire Verified Yes


Eamonn Duffy
DQI: 88% Flock Linkage: Linked
Ethelstown, Kells, Co. Meath, IRL


Farmer is not a LambPlus member