SIS IE042755203304D, NURNEY , H9820034

Charollais (100%), Pedigree , 03-JAN-2020, R3 (43%) T1 (41%), Twin

Current EuroStars (Published On: 22-APR-2024)

Index values displayed above for this animal can be compared to all other animals, regardless of breed.
Percentiles and stars should only be compared to other animals of the same breed.
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NSIS IE042755203304D
Pedigree ID H9820034
Flock Name NURNEY
Animal Name
Birth Date 03-JAN-2020
Birth Rank TWIN
Breed Charollais (100%)
Sex Male
Pedigree Status Pedigree
Genotyped? No


John Hill
DQI: 9% Flock Linkage: Linked
Nurney, Carbury, Co. Kildare, IRL


Farmer is not a flockbook member